Die SFB-TR 87 Mitglieder sind herzlich zum Vortrag "Autonomous crack healing in MAX phase ceramics" von Prof. Willem G. Sloof von der Delft University of Technology eingeladen. Dieser findet am Donnerstag den 19.03.2020 um 14 Uhr findet im Rahmen der IGK des SFB-TR 87 in der RWTH Aachen bei Meterials Chemistry statt.
The SFB-TR 87 members are welcomed to attend the talk "Autonomous crack healing in MAX phase ceramics" held by Willem G. Sloof from Delft University of Technology. It takes place on Thursday, the 19th of March, 2020 at 14:00 h, at Materials Chemistry, RWTH Aachen.
Dienstag, 25. Februar 2020
Freitag, 21. Februar 2020
Plasma workshop at Bo.Ing 2020

Im Plasma Workshop konnte sechszehn Schülern die Grundlagen von Plasmen und deren Anwendung näher gebracht werden. In praxisorientierten Übungen, waren die Mädchen und Jungs in der Lage selbst Experimente durchzuführen
The SFB-TR 87 and CRC 1316 joined the workshop
program of the Bo.Ing 2020. At the Bochum engineering forum "BO.Ing",
pupils are given an insight into the engineering sciences in workshops,
laboratory tours and discussion groups. The event is organised by the
zdi network IST.Bochum.NRW and is implemented in cooperation with
universities from Bochum and the surrounding area.
With plasma workshop, sixteen pupils in two different workshop
learned the basic ideas about plasma and its applcation. In hands-on
activities, the girls and boys were able to perform their own
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